Why You Need to Honor Your Ideas
This post is a transcript from one of my podcast episodes.
Hey, Michelle here and I’m back with another five minute podcast and I want to talk about acting on ideas.
If you have an idea, and it's actually something that you really want to do - it's not, “Oh, I'm doing this because I think it'll make money or I saw someone else do it, and it looked like it worked for them so I'm going to try it...”
My point here is - if you're if you're acting from desire, not from scarcity, not from fear, not from desperation… if you're acting from desire, then you should totally honour that idea.
Don't stop and say, “Well, let me validate it first. Let me market research it first. Let me ask people for feedback first.”
I believe that when you do that, you're telling your intuition that you don't trust it, and you are outsourcing your power to other people.
In effect, you're saying, “I need someone else to tell me that this is a good idea so that if it doesn't work, then it's their fault, not mine.”
And that's another belief to unravel is the the idea that ideas need to “work”.
We don't need to decide how an idea is supposed to work.
We just need to honour bringing that idea to life.
And then let that idea show us how it's going to “work”.
And that can look so different. No one can predict that, let alone someone else.
So if you can't even predict it, then why should other people be able to predict it?
And if you honour your ideas and bring them to life, what's going to happen is you're going to build your body of work. You're going to create assets. You're going to have so many puzzle pieces that you can use to create even more things more quickly, more easily because you have more to work with.
I see people not honour creativity, not create, not make things, not create their puzzle pieces, not act on their ideas.
And what that leads to is they literally have nothing to actually work with.
And when you don't have anything to work with, you just perpetuate the cycle of thinking that you can't create something unless it will actually work.
The point here is not to make something work. The point here is to create stuff to work with.
Because nothing that you create is going to fulfill a specific purpose.
Things are constantly evolving, constantly changing and you need to be flexible. You need to let your body of work be flexible, be an evolution.
You can't just put things in little boxes and expect them to fit in the box of what you decided it’s supposed to be.
You need to just let things show you how they play out.
And our job is just to create those things so that they actually have a chance to to exist and play out however they're going to play out.
So whenever I create something, it's not because I sat down and I researched the market and I asked people for feedback, and I did a survey and blah, blah, blah.
I do things because I want to do them.
Because I'm a woman who gets to honour her her desires, and so are you.
Business is a playground for you to honour your desires. It shouldn't be a place for you to force yourself to do things you don't want to do. And if you stop and think about it, that's crazy. Business should be a playground for you to honour your desires.
Honouring your desires is the way to create wealth. It's the way to building a legacy. It's the way to making the world a better place. It's the way to enjoying your everyday life. It's the way to creating an experience that allows other people to have permission to do the same.
That is the energy I come from when I honour my ideas.
I never come from an energy of “I hope this will work because otherwise it's going to be a waste of time.”
And that's what people are fearing is “Oh my gosh, I might waste my time if this doesn't work.”
Meanwhile, how many hours do we spend in front of the TV watching Netflix and we don't think that we're wasting time but creating something is a waste of time unless it does this specific thing that we have in our head that it's supposed to do after we create it?
I believe that energy is never wasted. As long as you act from a place of desire and create from that place, your energy is never wasted. It will always come back around to you. You just don't get to define what that looks like. You need to be open to whatever that ends up looking like and just enjoy the process of creating.