3 Benefits I’ve Noticed in My Life Since Quitting Social Media
BENEFIT #1: I'm reading a lot more.
I finished a 300 page book in less than a week without trying!
I can't remember when is the last time I did that.
I have two toddlers and I realized that I want to set a good example for them to love reading.
I knew if they grow up seeing me with a phone in my hand instead of a book, they probably won't pick up the habit.
Growing up, I've read hundreds of books and along the way, I stopped reading as much as I used to.
Now that I've quit social media, I'm coming back home to my old hobbies and routines.
BENEFIT #2: I stopped drinking coffee every day.
One of the surprising outcomes from quitting social media has been losing my desire for coffee!
The act of drinking coffee is tied to wanting to create the energy of “personal space” for me and when I quit social media, I reclaimed a lot of personal space and the desire for coffee faded away.
I'm pretty excited about that because I'm working on balancing my hormones and I know that caffeine wasn't helping me in that department.
I've now gone from drinking 1-2 cups of coffee per day to drinking 1-2 cups of coffee per month.
BENEFIT #3: I'm sleeping more.
You might be wondering what I do if I'm tired and don't have coffee to turn to.
I take a nap!
This is such a significant shift because beneath the surface of just liking the taste and the ritual, coffee can be a means of keeping up with a culture that prioritizes productivity over personal well-being.
I participated in that culture for a long time and now I am deliberately working to create a culture of my own.
When my body say's “I'm tired”, I respond with a nap (even if it's just 10 minutes) instead of with coffee.
Want to quit social media?
This course from Leonie Dawson just might give you the courage to do it!