Give Yourself a 30 Day Challenge

When was the last time you created something just because you WANTED to?

Not because it fitted a niche.

Not because it solved someone’s problem.

Not because it was a part of your marketing game plan…

…but just because you wanted to?

There’s a child inside all of us waiting for permission to PLAY.


To BE.

And if we gave that child the reigns a little bit more, do you know what would happen?

We would have to confront the lies that we grew up with and we would get to step into honoring ourselves in a way that we probably haven’t in a long time.

We would step into our power.

We would step into our flow.

We would step into our magic.

Give yourself a 30 day challenge - a WINDOW of radical self permission - to just CREATE.

30 days of publishing podcast episodes.

30 days of writing blog posts.

30 days of publishing mini courses for Skillshare.

30 days of publishing YouTube videos.

You pick. Your playground, your rules.

Let your inner child come out to play. She didn’t judge her creations. She was happy to just create.

I promise you’ll be so much happier and get so much further if you give yourself the permission to just make stuff before you start factoring in all the rules, expectations, and formulas.

You already deserve to be happy in this process. Just because you’re here. Just because you exist.


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