Tap into the Magic of Attracting 1000 True Fans
Attracting a community is not solely about external strategies but an inside-out approach. When we prioritize doing the inner work to be our most authentic selves, we radiate a high-level energy that naturally draws like-minded people towards us. In this way, attracting a community becomes a natural outcome of self-expression and personal growth.
🥐 Key Takeaways
🌟 Attracting a community of true fans is so much more powerful than just chasing a bigger audience. The energy shifts from building an audience to attracting a community, emphasizing quality over quantity.
💫 When you focus on being the fullest expression of yourself, you become more attractive to the people who are your true fans.
🌈 The magic of 1,000 true fans lies in their unwavering support. They'll buy anything you make, come to every event, and spread the word. It's all about cultivating a devoted, engaged community.
🦋 Your energy and vibration play a huge role in attracting true fans. Doing the inner work raises your vibrational frequency, making it easier for people to connect with you and be drawn to your community.
🌠 Attracting a community of 1,000 true fans is about making it safe for the truest version of yourself to be seen. It's creating a space where others feel safe and welcome to be who they really are too.
✏️ Journal Prompt
What does it look like for you to practice expressing the TRUE you more in your business?
📜 Transcript
Michelle Rohr [00:00:04]:
Hello. Hello. Michelle here with the Magic IS You podcast. In this episode, I want to talk about the concept of 1,000 true fans. And I think I've talked about this before. I've definitely talked about it on the YouTube show in the past with Amy. It's something I remember listening to by the person who came up with this, all the way back in my cleaning days when I would listen to podcast after podcast and clean people's houses. And I came across this podcast where this guy was talking about the importance of creating a community of 1,000 true fans and why that's different than just thinking more and more and more and more and more, bigger audience, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, bigger, and why it's so much more powerful.
Michelle Rohr [00:00:57]:
And that has always stuck with me. It became the very calming, steady way that I have approached building, or attracting my community. Even these words that we use, I think being more mindful of the words that we're using changes our approach to things because it's, like, even just saying build an audience is kind of weird. I would rather think I'm attracting a community versus building an audience because the energies there are completely different. If I'm building an audience and I'm putting myself in this position where I'm thinking, well, it's in my control to make this happen, and I'm going to build it, and it's all on me, and I'm going and even the word audience, it's different from thinking of community. Community feels more intimate, feels more like you're thinking of people as people. And when you think of audience, it's kinda just like this faceless swarm of people that you can't even really connect with, and you're more focused on numbers than you are focused on individuals. So I think that even switching it out from this you know, the norm is build an audience, switching that out with attract a community, that goes a long way with having the approach that keeps you grounded and keeps you focused on what matters most, which is to be the fullest expression of you, which is what we keep talking about.
Michelle Rohr [00:02:39]:
It's what the magic is you is all about. It's be the fullest expression of you because you have one 100% control over that. You can't control other people. You have control only over yourself. So when you focus on being the fullest expression of yourself, which in The Magic IS You, we talk all about how that works, what that looks like. And when you focus on that, you become more attractive to the people who are your people. And even saying that sounds weird. The people who want to be a part of your community, who love you for who you are, who will buy anything you make, who will tell their friends about you.
Michelle Rohr [00:03:21]:
They those types of people cannot be attracted to you if you're trying to be this performative version of yourself in order to make something happen and build something and not even realize that you're not even being who you really are. You're just being who you think you need to be in order to make something happen. And when you focus on attracting a community, you start to really tune into what it means to, to prioritize the concept of 1,000 true fans. Because when you're thinking of a 1000 true fans, you're not thinking of, oh, I need more followers. I need a 100,000 people to follow me on Instagram. I need a 100,000 people to follow me on YouTube. I need more and more and more and more and more. Oh, I only got 24 likes from that post.
Michelle Rohr [00:04:09]:
Oh, I only got 50 views from that video. You don't think about those things anymore. I don't get a lot of views on my videos. I don't get I don't have a huge email list. In fact, years ago, I deleted 10,000 people from my email list, and it took up till now to cross 10,000 again. It took I, like, I reached 10,000 people fairly quickly just by numbers, just by putting out freebies, and just by letting my list grow no matter whether people actually cared about me or not. And then I got to a point where I was like, I I only want people on my list if they actually want to be on my list, and so I changed the way I grew my email list. And so it's grew a lot more slowly, and I deleted a ton of people off the list.
Michelle Rohr [00:05:04]:
The list grew a lot more slowly, but my business was a lot more successful. It made a lot more money with a lot fewer people with much fewer peep people because I started focusing on quality over quantity. And I focused on attracting true fans just by being true to who I am and doing what I wanna do and doing things the way I wanna do it. I started to attract people who want who didn't just want a freebie. They actually wanted to be a part of what I was creating. And when you do the math to attract a 1,000 true fans, your definition of a thou of a true fan according to this person who came up with the concept is they will support you no matter what. They'll buy anything you make. They will come to every concert.
Michelle Rohr [00:05:53]:
They will buy every t shirt. They will tell all their friends. That's a true fan. And when you think of the the math of building a business with true fans, it makes sense. A 1,000 people who will buy anything you make, if you made a $100 worth of stuff and they bought everything, that's a $100,000 in revenue. If you made a $1,000 worth of things, or if you not even made that many things, you made a few things, and then you referred people to other products that you're an affiliate for and you recommended and blah, blah, blah, and it equals $1,000 worth of products and they buy all of that, then that is a $1,000,000 business. 1,000 times 1,000 is 1,000,000. So you can start to see, oh, I am not trying to build a business with a 1,000,000 people, a 1000000 subscribers, a 1000000 followers.
Michelle Rohr [00:06:50]:
I am attracting a community of 1,000 true fans. And when you start to tune into that, you stop thinking about how many views did this get, how many downloads did that get, Because your, your number is small. A1000 is not that much. And you stop thinking about trying to reach these huge numbers, and you start tuning into what is it gonna take to attract one true fan today. If, like, when I put out a video and that video only gets a 100 views, I know, like, I take so much comfort in knowing at least one person out of the 100 people that watched this video became a true fan. I know that at least that happened, and that really does become enough for me. And because I make that mind enough, I stay really grounded. I stay focused on what I can control, and my business has made more money than ever.
Michelle Rohr [00:07:57]:
But again, if you were to take anything away from this, I want to just hammer home. This isn't possible if you're not prioritizing working on yourself. If you're not focusing on being the truest expression of you that you can possibly be. And that takes healing. That takes time. That takes grace. That takes so much inner work. And that has always been my number one focus out of everything is personal development first, business second.
Michelle Rohr [00:08:34]:
And when I focus on that, everything else has a way of flowing and coming together. And what I see what I see a lot is people will will ignore their personal growth and instead put all of their focus on building a business at the expense of their personal growth at the they will use their business as a way to ignore the inner work that needs to be done. And I think that business should be the byproduct of doing the inner work. And when I have focused on the inner work, I become more myself. I attract more people. I'm able to put out a piece of content in, like, it's almost like because the level of attractiveness goes up, I can it's almost like I attract more people with less content now. And when I say attract, I don't mean, oh, you're so beautiful and I love you. I mean, attract in terms of the energy is so bright, is is radiating at such a high level that it is it is easier for people to feel it and see it and and and join in on it versus when we don't do the inner work, our energy, our attractive energy, our our vibration is really low, and it's hard for people to feel your presence.
Michelle Rohr [00:10:12]:
It's hard for people to connect with you. It's hard for people to to see you. And so when you're doing the inner work, you are basically saying, I it is safe for the truest version of me to be seen. I am a safe space for other people to be a part of this community. And when you don't do this the work, you're kind of even though you you're thinking, I wanna build a business. I wanna make money. I want customers. If you're not making it safe to be seen, you're simultaneously pushing people away.
Michelle Rohr [00:10:48]:
You're saying, don't look at me. Just buy something and get out of here. That's kinda like the energy, which is not very attractive. So, I just wanted to pop in and say a few thoughts on the 1,000 true fans and how I approach it. And, hopefully, this is helpful for you. I'll probably talk about it more. There's so many angles. There's so many nuances.
Michelle Rohr [00:11:09]:
But at the end of the day, it is so grounding because you stop focusing on building a big audience, and you start focusing on attracting a community of 1,000 true fans.